


1. The interpretation and administration of these By-Laws and of any hereafter issued shall rest entirely with the Committee whose decision shall be final.

2. The Committee may amend, alter, add to or revoke any of these By-Laws as may be considered advisable and all members shall be advised accordingly.

3. Members shall make themselves aware of and comply with all By-Laws issued by the Committee.

4. Members using any Club property shall be responsible for the care of that property.

5. The Committee may appoint Part 149 Microlight Organisation certified Inspection Authority holder/s (IAs) as Club IAs.

6. The committee may appoint Part 149 Microlight Organisation certified Flying Instructors as Club Instructors.

7. Instructors shall be responsible for flying standards and training in accordance with the rules of the Part 149 Microlight Organisation that issued their Pilot Certificate.

8. Flying members shall comply with the rules of the Part 149 Microlight Organisation that issued their Pilot Certificate.

9. Flying incidents and accidents shall be reported according to rules of the CAA and/or the Part 149 Microlight Organisation that issued the applicable Pilot Certificate and/or Permit To Fly Renewal Certificate.

10. Members attending any flying activity organised by the Club shall be bound by any lawful instruction given by the Club Officer responsible for that event and Members shall be responsible for their guests.

11. The Committee will appoint a Club Captain who shall be responsible for organising flying and social events for members in conjunction with the Committee.

12. The Committee will appoint a Safety Officer who shall be responsible for the safety of all Club operations in conjunction with the Committee and the Flying Instructors.

13. The Committee may have a Club Website to convey information to members prospective members and the public and will appoint a Webmaster responsible to the Committee to input information to the Website.

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